4 research outputs found

    Detecting respiratory motion artefacts for cardiovascular MRIs to ensure high-quality segmentation

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    While machine learning approaches perform well on their training domain, they generally tend to fail in a real-world application. In cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR), respiratory motion represents a major challenge in terms of acquisition quality and therefore subsequent analysis and final diagnosis. We present a workflow which predicts a severity score for respiratory motion in CMR for the CMRxMotion challenge 2022. This is an important tool for technicians to immediately provide feedback on the CMR quality during acquisition, as poor-quality images can directly be re-acquired while the patient is still available in the vicinity. Thus, our method ensures that the acquired CMR holds up to a specific quality standard before it is used for further diagnosis. Therefore, it enables an efficient base for proper diagnosis without having time and cost-intensive re-acquisitions in cases of severe motion artefacts. Combined with our segmentation model, this can help cardiologists and technicians in their daily routine by providing a complete pipeline to guarantee proper quality assessment and genuine segmentations for cardiovascular scans. The code base is available at https://github.com/MECLabTUDA/QA_med_data/tree/dev_QA_CMRxMotion

    Task-Agnostic Continual Hippocampus Segmentation for Smooth Population Shifts

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    Most continual learning methods are validated in settings where task boundaries are clearly defined and task identity information is available during training and testing. We explore how such methods perform in a task-agnostic setting that more closely resembles dynamic clinical environments with gradual population shifts. We propose ODEx, a holistic solution that combines out-of-distribution detection with continual learning techniques. Validation on two scenarios of hippocampus segmentation shows that our proposed method reliably maintains performance on earlier tasks without losing plasticity

    Lifelong nnU-Net: a framework for standardized medical continual learning

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    Abstract As the enthusiasm surrounding Deep Learning grows, both medical practitioners and regulatory bodies are exploring ways to safely introduce image segmentation in clinical practice. One frontier to overcome when translating promising research into the clinical open world is the shift from static to continual learning. Continual learning, the practice of training models throughout their lifecycle, is seeing growing interest but is still in its infancy in healthcare. We present Lifelong nnU-Net, a standardized framework that places continual segmentation at the hands of researchers and clinicians. Built on top of the nnU-Net—widely regarded as the best-performing segmenter for multiple medical applications—and equipped with all necessary modules for training and testing models sequentially, we ensure broad applicability and lower the barrier to evaluating new methods in a continual fashion. Our benchmark results across three medical segmentation use cases and five continual learning methods give a comprehensive outlook on the current state of the field and signify a first reproducible benchmark